Zen Master Yun Men Wen Yan (雲門文偃, 864-949 AD) said: “Everyday is a good day! (日日是好日)” Why is this so? Every little thing, every person we encounter in daily life is a invaluable encounter. Every moment is unique; every breath, every step on earth is precious. Thus, the love for life is not about clinging, but about appreciation. Everyday Is a Good Day!
This calligraphy is a shopping list. It says: “copy paper; ball point pen one box; cartridge; x-acto knife; and, don’t forget the iPhone charger; spray mount; eraser.”
Sumi ink on textured Chinese rice paper. The piece itself is 14″ by 19″, flat mounted on 15″ by 22″ acid-free white cotton paper. Signed by the artist. Ready to be put into a frame.

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