Iceberg – The Seen and Unseen World

June 12, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

Iceberg. The seen and unseen world. What we perceive is only a very small part of the unlimited, vast net of coincidences. Everything has to come together in a timely manner in order to make something happen. It is mysterious. However we can sense their existence. Acrylic on rice paper, mounted on canvas. 18 x … Read More

Red Mountain

June 1, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

Auspicious mountain of wealth which attracts true wealth, happiness, and prosperity – that is free from aggression and attachment. Red and black: fiery, brave, fearless, and confident, full of “cool passion”; it is here and now:

Mountain Sea Sutra

April 1, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract, Upcoming Shows

“Mountain-Sea-Sutra” 山海經. Abstract landscape. Mixed media on rice paper, mounted on canvas. 25 x 50 inches. Opening Reception: April 12, 2014, 5-7 PM. Limner Gallery abstract group show. 123 Warren Street, Hudson, New York. You are cordially invited!Exhibition from 4/10 to 5/3/2014.

One Stoke

March 24, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

One stroke; one mind. One-pointedly we can move forward into the vast space, with strength and elegance. Sumi ink on Japanese textured mulberry paper. The size is 22 x 12.5 in. For purchasing, please click on Saatchi link: One Stroke

Into Empty Space

March 18, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract, Publications

Art that Reflects Feelings and Perceptionsby Yeachin Tsai READ the article on Shambhala Times  An Interview by Shambhala Carolyn Mandelker, Shambhala Executive Director The Art and Calligraphy of Yeachin Tsai This image: “Chaos is Good News”: Big marks, open space, chaos could be good news sometimes because we are allowing the energy to come in. We … Read More

Bamboo in the Wind

March 6, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract, still life

“Be kind in the morning; be kind during the day; and be kind in the evening.” There is tremendous power there. Just like bamboo, gentle but strong. With kindness, we will have no regret later in our life; we can respect ourselves and help others. We can feel good. “Bamboo in the Wind”- Sumi ink … Read More

Dust Storm

February 27, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

The karmic wind swept the landscape of life. Feel the power of natural laws. At this time, patience and acceptance are the best antidote. All is changing and all will be good. “Dust Storm”– permanent sumi ink and acrylic on rice paper, mounted on acid-free paper.

Going West

February 26, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

Going west: be luxurious, generous, and bold. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the Five Buddhas Families, also known as the Five Wisdom, represent five distinctive energies. West is red, it is fire, it is lotus; it is magnetizing, and subjugating. It could be seductive. According to Trungpa Rinpoche, “True Perception”, he said:“True padma (lotus) art is very … Read More

Coil of Joy

February 25, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

This original work is inspired by the simple but elegant Zen art. The energy is moving upward. In a long winter season like this, be aware of our energy. Raise energy through some form of exercise, and relax with the elements. This work: is done with permanent sumi ink on rice paper, mounted on acid-free … Read More

Shooting Stars

February 23, 2014By yeachintsaifineartabstract

Shooting stars cross the night sky. When was the last time I stare at the sky? Running around under this infinite winter sky, all my seemingly important activities are so petty and trivial. Breathe in, the cold winter air fills my lungs. How sweet the smell of the fire wood… Acrylic on rice paper, mounted on … Read More